Advanced Scans

Creo Eversmart Supreme II

When you wish to make an extremely large print or have a scan which pulls the maximum amount of information from the film itself, you should consider our Advanced Scans. We use a Creo Eversmart Supreme II, which is the most advanced CCD based scanner ever made. Using an actively cooled CCD and custom Rodenstock lens, it produces extremely detailed scans with a minimum of noise. It can accommodate any format from 35mm to even ultra large 11x14” films. The scans produced are suitable for prints in excess of 40 or even 60”. The scanner can optically render 5600ppi across the entire platform, and we offer a variety of resolution choices depending on the format.

Recently shot films can be scanned ‘dry’, or if your negative is older, you may want to consider having it fluid mounted, which will minimize retouching time.

Advanced Scan cover the entire film area out beyond the edges. The entire sprocket information, or film holder edges are captured.

File sizes measured in gigabytes. Images printed in feet. Resolving down to the grain even on ultra high-res films like Ektachrome.

Accurate and pleasing color negative conversions that are built from profiles. A full spectrum light source ensures no color is lost in digitization.

Detail in every pixel, and MUCH more cost effective than true drum scans.

Scan Details

  • Our lab scanners, such as a Noritsu HS1800, make high resolution files quickly and efficiently of an entire roll of film. The Creo however works on a single frame at a time to create a far more detailed and robust TIFF image. It pulls out a significantly greater amount of information at the extremities of even the most dense chromes. It does this because it has a superior scanning lens, and actively cooled CCD unit.

  • Fluid mounting is something we recommend if your negative has been sitting in a sleeve for a long period of time. Even the best storage conditions can sometimes allow for slight stuffs or scratches on the film, which easily show up in such high res scans. The fluid effectively eliminates them, saving countless hours in retouching. It also ensures perfect film flatness and slightly increases scan quality. For the highest resolution scans of large films, it's highly recommended.

  • You always get a 16bit TIFF.

  • Yes! The Creo is fully capable of handling prints, drawings, or other flat art works. It can accommodate up to 12x17" work on the bed. Larger pieces can sometimes be stitched together from multiple scans.

  • Please see the ordering page for specific pixel dimensions. A 35mm frame scanned at 5600ppi yields roughly a 65 megapixel image. A 120 negative, well over 100 megapixels. For large formats, scans in excess of 500 megapixel scans are possible. They are suitable for the largest print sizes and are competitive in quality with any drum scanner.

  • They're both great! Drum scanners use a slightly different technology, called PMTs. The Creo is CCD based. Pixel resolution and bit rates are about the same. Much of the quality of the scan comes down to the operator of the machine. The reason why we chose the Creo is because it is much easier and more flexible to use day to day, and thus often less expensive to the customer. It also allows us to make digital contact sheets and produce our large format Dev/Scans.